Licensed Biocides - Render

Applying a biocide to render can yield varied results depending on the render type. For example, on monocouche render, biocide penetration is possible, allowing it to create a lasting protective barrier against organic growth. However, when applied to silicone render, the biocide achieves only an initial kill of biofilm without long-term effectiveness, as it cannot penetrate the silicone layer.

For general maintenance, PureSeal’s licensed biocides provide effective protection against algae, lichen, and other growths, ensuring a well-maintained, clean appearance. In colder temperatures, we recommend BioClear 50 Pro, which includes a solvent component to boost performance in low temperatures, making it suitable for year-round render care. Always follow product instructions closely, use appropriate PPE, and manage runoff to prevent contamination in surrounding areas. With PureSeal’s biocides, professionals can achieve targeted, safe results on different types of render with attention to their specific requirements.

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