
PureSeal BioClear Pro 50 is our fully approved and licensed 50% DDAC product, registered on the COPR database (No 10927) as a surface biocide. This product is licensed for professional use only, and it is your responsibility as the end user to have the necessary training required by the HSE to use professional use only biocides.
PureSeal BioClear Pro 50 is a professional-grade biocide that fast-acts against biological growth on external hard surfaces. It can be used on roofs, render, and ground surfaces, and one coat applied with a brush or a sprayer is enough to break the reproductive cycle of microbial surface contaminants.
When using biocides, many factors must be considered to determine dilution ratios, longevity, etc. Environment (trees, shaded areas, etc.), temperature, and surface type also play vital roles in product performance. As a rule of thumb, if the surface is non-porous (coated cladding, porcelain, for example), then using a biocide wouldn’t necessarily give you longevity; however, it will still provide an instant kill, allowing the biofilm to weather away over time.
Pets and children need to be considered, too. If you use biocides and pets or children have access to the treated area, we always recommend applying the biocide, allowing the product to remain on the surface for an hour (it doesn’t matter if the biocide dries out), then rinse the area thoroughly. This will remove any residues that could harm your customers’ loved ones.
Due to BioClear 50 Pro’s alcohol content, you can increase your dilution ratios on roofs and render to around 1 part BioClear 50 Pro to 35 parts water in hotter conditions. The cleaning method is also essential when it comes to dilution ratios. For example, if you wash a roof before applying a biocide, you could use a higher dilution ratio as you have removed most of the dirt and contamination, and the biocide itself doesn’t have to work as hard. When washing roofs first, we recommend a ratio of 1 part BioClear 50 Pro to 40 parts water.
For general instruction, we recommend diluting BioClear 50 Pro 1 part biocide to 25 parts water for render and roof slates/tiles (when scraping) and 1 part biocide to 50 parts water for ground surfaces. Once diluted to these ratios, apply at a rate of 4m2 per litre. Please refer to the chart below for more detailed dilution ratios and application rates.
The dilution ratios in the chart below are approximate and will depend on the surface’s porosity and condition. Apply BioClear Pro onto the surface and leave it to self-cleanse.

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