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Pexels Tom Fisk 3507477

Sealer Longevity

Once a surface has been sealed, it is important to maintain this coating. This will ensure the protective coating remains in-tact and will prevent wear to the surface itself. The most common misunderstanding of protective coatings is that although sealed, the surface will still get dirty. Protective coatings are designed to stop water ingress, grease, dirt etc from penetrating the substrate. Sealing does make cleaning and maintenance much easier.

We have a full range of professional use products and domestic products covering all aspects of re-sealing from preparation, installation, and maintenance. Maintaining the protective coatings can range from a simple biocide application to keep biofilms at bay to applying a top up coat of sealer to prolong protection.

As with all coatings, it is inevitable that the protective layer will wear away. Our maintenance plans will prolong the longevity of the coating ensuring maximum protection for your hard surfaces and will keep them in pristine condition.

All of our sealers and protective coatings have been designed so that they do not require stripping from the surface. They are all designed to be over coated if and when required. A sealed and well maintained surface can remain protected for years after initial installation.

Our sealer longevity maintenance packs are designed to keep your surfaces looking their best no matter what time of year it is. Designed around various surfaces these packages will cover return annual maintenance visits and will also offer discounted repair costs if the in the unfortunate event of damaging the coating. The maintenance visits allow us to assess if the surface could benefit from a top up coat of sealer which will also be included in the package dependant on the level of cover you have opted for.

The key benefit of our maintenance scheme is that you should only have to pressure wash the surface as part of the initial clean. Once the initial restoration has been completed, the surface can be maintained and kept clean with our softwashing processes which will not disturb the surface or substrate as excessive and repetitive pressure washing can have a detrimental effect on the area.

To find out more about our sealer longevity maintenance packages, feel free to contact us and speak to our specialists.