HSE stands for Health and Safety Executive. Their main role is to prevent work-related death, injury, and illness.
They offer free help and advice to businesses and by doing so, they give all sizes of businesses confidence to manage risks correctly. No matter how big or small your business is, you are legally responsible for managing the health and safety of yourself, your employees and others affected by your work activities. If you are on this website, then chemicals will be a key part of your day to day business operations. If you use or generate chemicals or other hazardous substances at work that could put people’s health at risk, causing diseases including asthma, dermatitis or cancer visit the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) website.
Remember! If you have employees and work with hazardous chemicals in any capacity, every part of COSHH will apply to you. If you have no employees but work with hazardous chemicals COSHH will apply to you apart from those sections relating to monitoring and health surveillance.
COPR stands for Control Of Pesticides Rugulations. Introduced by the HSE, the Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR) is one of the laws that controls biocides in Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI) to make sure that when they are used properly, they do not harm people, pets or the wider environment.